Create joyful, sacred space


Your surroundings should feel beautiful, sacred and comforting…and that doesn’t mean it always looks perfect! Vastu, one of the tendrils of Ayurveda, is the ancient art of sacred architecture used to create home and work spaces that support greater health, vitality, and joy. I tap into the essence of Vastu, Ayurveda and my general Virgo-ness (i.e. organization!) to help you create functional, beautiful rooms and spaces.

From kitchens to closets to alter spaces, let me help you create a space you love!

Free consultation

Not sure what you’re looking for? Let’s chat! I offer a free 20 minute consultation to discuss how I can help you create a space you’ll love.

Space Organization

Customized plans for your space can range from a few hours to total room/space organization.

Altar & Mediation Space

Craving a yoga or mediation space in your home or office that feels personalized and beautiful? Let’s create your perfect space..